Thursday, July 17, 2008

Private Army of 800,000

Southall London has a nest of Sikhs from the Punjab.The Video reports show Singhs who generally claim to be upholders of a countries law laughing as they break the Law.
Notice the many Turbans and at least one fellow wrapping one.
Click here.

From an older posting Wednesday September 12th 2007

These self-proclaimed Saints, although born in a host country, see nationality as secondary. This was explained on the RTE Prime TV show 22 August 2007 by a Chief Super Inspector from the London MET. "I am a Sikh first and a policeman second."

On this RTE program you could see the MET Inspector making his rounds on these very same streets in Southall.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

News items that we should Note

More Turban tales. Click here
and Crime. Click here
With law suits.
Stopping trains. Click here
See the Kirpans (Swords) No not Swords in Dublin. Kirpans are the weapons Sikhs carry which is a crime in Ireland.