Monday, November 26, 2007


Sikh sport:
Now you will see nary a Turban on these players. You won't see a Sikh Iron Bracelet, known as a Kara. You won't see a Dagger/Sword known as Kirpan.You won't see the Long Beard or Uncut Hair known as Kesh. or any Kaccha . These are the commanded mandatory so called 5Ks or in Punjabi panj kakaar/kakke every baptized Sikh has to wear at all times 24/7 since 1969AD
This Sikh game is held in every country the Sikh occupies. In the photo opportunities you may see a handful of Bearded Turban fellows with one or two Kara on the right wrist. The crowd of spectators everywhere although Sikhs are virtually nude by these standards.
Click here:
Bear in mind that Sikhs in all civilized countries they have moved into demand and bring lawsuits against the host countries claiming religious bias.

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