Thursday, November 1, 2007

To Wear or not to Wear

A case of two heads. Now this Saint with the trust me grin (I'm a Sikh) and sporting the required Turban and a trimmed beard has received very bad press today. Deserve it or not we still need to be aware that the thing -a-ma -gig the Turban can cloud a mans gray matter. You can read more here.

The non Turbaned clean shaved fellow has a history of very good Press.
Dalip Singh Saund of California (1957-1963), was the first Asian American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Congress.

What the heck is the Turban for anyway?
Here is a bit of the lore. In the occult of the Kundalli encouraged by the Sikhs there are 26 bones in the skull. The wrapping keeps these bones in place. The pressure also changes the pattern of the blood flow to the brain.. The top of the skull of course lies the crown Chakra. (Similar idea in Hinduism) Remember this is a root of Sikhism. This 10th Gate is again similar in Buddhism were the crown Chakra is known as the 1,000 pedal lotus. The idea then is to awaken the serpent that is the Kundalli which we are told is wrapped around the lower Chakra or the tail bone of the spine near the anus. Then through lifetimes of reincarnation one can attain god integration. This simply means to be dispersed throughout everything.
Now there are a number of ways that this reuniting with the force (god) can be delayed. The bigge is MAYA.
Yer men featured might be classified as such. This is called Karma. Then you have good/bad Karma which keeps you coming back life time after life time until you get it right.
So it's important to have the temples on either side of the head covered. (please don't laugh) so that you are protected from mental and psychic negativity from other people. This would included every non sikh in Ireland and the rest of the world. Makes you wonder why they want to live among us?
Now there are pressure points on the forehead and the tight cloth pressing on these we are are told will keep a Sikh calm and relaxed. In other words he won't use his dagger or sword in anger.
Depending on who the Sikh is. Mr Singh can control the Prana which is the life force flow or (Allah ) at will. (Muslim the other root of Sikhism) You can see why Sikhs are at odds with these other groups!

Easy to figure who would be a likely candidate for a Police Force anywhere. Thats Mr Clean no Turban Sikh.

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