Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Last Straw Ching, Ching.

So this here Sikh arrives in America. Gets a Job selling door to door. What happens when the homeowner comes out. Remember Mr. Singh is now on private property without invitation.
Peels of laughter from the house. Mr. Singh feels (not stupid) debased,defiled,Bla,Bla,Bla. Crestfallen this lion goes into the spiel on the way of Sikhism,and Turban lore. Turns out the head gear is a great selling aid. Mr. Singh shoots to the top sales position in the company and makes a fortune. Despite all the disparaging remarks Mr. Singh managed to suck it up and stayed in the United States.

Al Rantel, conservative radio talk host in Los Angeles, discussing airport security, stated that if his own 80-year-old mother had to take off her shoes during a security screening, "then why shouldn't a Sikh be required to take off the hat that looks like a diaper they wear on their heads?" heard Mr.Singh.

Now it would take quite a stretch of the imagination for a moment that this "door-to-door guy" had never been asked that during his long career. So Mr. Singh has launched a campaign against the station and Mr. Rantel.
Mr.Singh sees no levity in Mr. Rantel's "diaper" comment.Wonder what it would take to make Mr. Singh laugh again a lottery win or a huge lump cash pay out from the radio guy?
As usual Sikhs everywhere have railed against free speech.
Want to give some support for freedom from free speech suppression? Al Rantel's Web site, www.alrantel.com

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