Saturday, September 29, 2007

OMISSION--Is that a LIE?

Now we all are aware how the Sikhs bawl, that they were loyal to the armed services during the wars for Britain. Omitting that they also served in Hitler's Waffen SS--KILLING the British!

They are telling the Garda that Ireland is 40 years behind the times, simply because every country allows the wearing of Turbans in their Armed service as well as the Police units. Then they roll out a list, country-by-country, with photos of Turban wearing people.

Guess what?--Not true!

Vancouver, Canada: Motor Cycle cops are required to wear a Helmet. Sikhs bitch about this order. They keep the Turban in the closet.

Professor Marci A. Hamilton writes in her Book God vs.The Gavel ...
"The American military will court-martial the person that won't wear the required Helmet. They have the rule of law to back them. The US. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit--1980."
That law has been in place at least 27--thats Twenty Seven--years! How backward is that in today's world of conflict?

Even Britain is keeping up with today's trend by not allowing a separate Sikh regiment but requiring any Sikh to mix in with the rest of the Army. It might be interesting to see how others in the same unit would react when a Turban gives away their position during combat. What then will the Turban wearer do? Bitch on deaf ears.

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