Sunday, October 7, 2007


Myth and Folklore: A Hindu fellow woke up and said "There is no Muslim or Hindu." How did this affect us in the West or why should we give a fiddler's flute? Does it have something to do with the water? After all, the fellow went missing for around 3 days by a river. Born 1469 AD in Pakistan with almost a Christ-like entry into the world, not a virgin birth. At age 30 he went middle-aged mad--or so it would seem.

One of his teachings goes like this:
"From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived. To woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend. Through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born, without woman, there would be no one at all. "

What would the founder of Sikhism say today should he read an article in the Irish Independent by Jeremy Page Monday July 30,2007,which points out once again the double speak of the Sikh community in the West. On one side of their mouth they tell us they never harm women or children.Then we read articles giving us the facts such as the "LEADERS of Delhi's Sikh community have called for an end to lavish weddings The result being daughters are seen as a financial burden and many Indians kill newborn girls and abort female babies" He also had a Rodney King-esque teaching of "Why can't we all just get along?" As you can see he was quite a dreamer.

Why so: The three religions in the region have fought with each other since. Sikhs are quick to point out the Muslims are the bad Turban people. Yet they align themselves with these bad people when its convenient as we see in case after case in America and Canada. Sikh on Sikh violence:

Punjab Online discussion forum: Turban Issue

Burn Baby Burn. Cricket player Yuvraj Singh got in big big dangerous trouble for taking the option of making some money by removing the Turban and letting his hair down for a Whiskey Advertisement. His Ma in India was ill and when our hero went to visit the Sikh mob was there. So as they were outraged and for lack of something better to do with their time they burned Yuvraj in effigy outside the sick mothers home. What could Mr Y.Singh do to please his cult. Obey the order of the head man and give up this earthly pursuit,repent and behave.

Sikh population 19,215,730

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