Wednesday, October 17, 2007

To Serve and Protect

At least that is not the motto by the Gar (Sorry thats a typo) in the Punjab Sikh Singh officers of the law having killed a civil rights Singh had a more just sentence meted out in a revised court appearance by a judge Singh. My My it does get confusing so many Saints (Singhs) having a go.
What I find more than interesting about this case. The famous Sikh Coalition and other Sikhism supports not anywhere in sight. Had this been in the West we could expect outrage and campaigns for better Jail conditions. As we have seen in a previous post the Punjab does not allow Turbans as head gear for convicts. Strange don't you think. Yet in the West this same policy will get them riled up. Then why not enforce the culture norms the Sikhs tout as their way of life . Rather than give in
to their every whim?
Then we read about Gurjant Singh, the cop who set himself and four members of his family on fire on September 29. I have noticed that these Saints like to fire up for attention grabbing headlines.
Sikhs in the Garda I don't think so!

Sikh population 11,000,000 minus a few.

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