Monday, October 8, 2007


Punjab is in India and borders Pakistan. We need to send our Green Party TD Ciaran Cuffee to the region for 10 years. At least he might do someone some good over there. You see the poor buggers are hurting themselves as they haven't got a clue when it comes to farming and nourishing Mother Earth. Children about 10 years old are going blind and others are prematurely gray. These Sikh children and adults are rife with cancer classified as "uncommon." The food source is also being shipped to other parts of the continent. This means eventually everyone there may get poisoned. Sure they have a religious system --Sikhism or Sikhi--that preaches reincarnation and this can be viewed as a god-send by them which allows even the poorest farmer or jatt sikhs to evolve into the next life. Meanwhile, American Baptists are busy helping out with medical aid and agricultural information to a very illiterate people.

Now how do the laid back, got-it-made-in-the-shade Western Sikhs view these Christians? Here is an example:

(1) Throw these so called missionaries out of the Punjab.
(2) Why are these people even allowed into the state or India in the first place?
(3) These devious people make me sick.
(4) Guru Gobind Singh Ji said try to resolve matter amicable if all doors are closed than picking sword is your right.
(5) Who else wants some? I'm sharpening my Kirpan.(Sword)
(6) Why isn't our government banning these idiots from entering our country, where is our President, where is our Prime Minister for God's sakes? Our religions need to be protected from these evil foreigners and their evil, devilish and scheming teachings.

While these laid back Sikhs stuff themselves here in the West the folks back in the Punjab are rotting away.
Thats how much they care for there own kit and kin. They would rather stop the evil foreigners from doing what their founder Guru Nanak instructed. "Remember God, Work Hard and Help Others."

es the bullying sikhs (read their comments--YOU WILL BE SHOCKED AT THEIR INTOLERANCE!) that we are now faced to confront ever day over their beliefs--who like to hold us up for ridicule and bitch that we are intolerant, racist, and hurry to bring human rights lawsuits in our courts--would sling us out of the Punjab or have their government prevent us from assisting those in need, and run us through with a sword. Makes you wonder that the joke is on us?
Sikh population 11,000,000

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