Saturday, October 13, 2007

Difficult Questions

When this Sikh Turban nonsense was spread worldwide by Sikhi out of Dublin I contacted Ciarán Cuffe TD who happens to be the Green Party Spokesperson for Justice, Equality & Law Reform,Foreign Affairs and Transport for our government Dáil Éireann on Kildare Street Dublin 2. You see he went public supporting Sikhism. This is a trend I've seen over and over with politicians in Western countries. In the USA the TSA has been undermined mostly by the Democrats. Sikhs want to board planes with Turbans wrapped tightly.Also they want a no touch me policy. TSA on the other hand require a search. So my difficult hard to answer question on the dagger/sword issue for our elected TD Ciarán reaped this reply.

In the United Kingdom it is legal under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (section 139) and Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (section 3 and 4) for a Sikh to carry a kirpan with a blade for religious reasons (other reasons allowed by the Act are cultural or work related reasons). The Criminal Justice Act 1988 safeguards the rights of the Sikhs to carry the Kirpan as it is deemed a necessary part of their religion.
You might be interested in more information about Sikhs in Ireland on

Then I pointed out that I would like him to quote Irish law as we were not in the United Kingdom, and would he have regrets should a Citizen or a Sikh or Tourist be murdered with one of these weapons. Would he want that on his conscience. Needless to say I am still waiting to hear back.
Then I contacted
An Garda Síochána research unit and never heard back.
Then I contacted the Office of the Attorney General. Who replied that they don't give legal advice
Then I contacted Dr.Daruis Whelan Irish Law. Never got a reply.

Makes me wonder if a citizen has to invoke the freedom of information act on everything that has a sticky answer to a very simple question?

Sikh population 1,200

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