Friday, October 12, 2007


Historically Saints have been jailed for teaching truth.
Sikh Singhs (Saints) get hauled into court world wide and do jail time, but for what.
Not saying that Turbans won't come in handy from time to time. The idea is to lay a guilt trip on the host nation, and
Sue for cash. I mean freedom or whatever.

Sikh sues in US jail turban row
Click link (1)
Seven escape in turban jailbreak Click link (2)
Satnam Singh's first name means truth, but the theme of his criminal history is quite the opposite.
An illegal immigrant, he was accused in 2003 of using another man's name to buy an $80,000 townhouse in Port St. Lucie in 2000. He also acted as an agent from an organization called the Catholic Helping Hands Trust, which was not in fact affiliated with the Catholic Church and whose trustee was a tattoo artist from Rosslyn, Va.
When Stuart police stopped Singh in 2001, he carried a black shaving bag with 100 pieces of identification that were not his own, including birth certificates, death certificates, passports, driver licenses, military IDs and one ID belonging to a congressional staffer.

Singh had been visiting a Stuart nightclub called Silhouettes, drinking and spending heavily.
Click link (3)
Click link (4) Jail Capers
Click link (5) How are Turbans handled in Punjab jails? Why are we stupid in the west.

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