Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Radio Stations Set to Shut Down?

Here we go again.Another attack on free speech in Canada. More outrage from Sikhism.
2010 Winter Olympics' creative team member Bruce Allen is up to his ass in outrage from Sikhs for some remarks on a radio station.

"If you choose to come to a place like Canada, then shut up and fit in," Mr. Allen declared, adding that demands from special-interest groups are easy to solve.

"There is the door. If you don't like the rules, hit it. We don't need you here. You have another place to go. It's called home. See ya."

In one of his regular commentaries on radio station CKNW, Mr. Allen charged last week that Canada is being pilloried by "special-interest groups" who want special rules for themselves.
He mentioned "turban-wearing Mounties," those who complain about having to wear motorcycle helmets over their turbans.

Want to support Mr. Allen's freedom of speech?
Reality Check - Immigration Originally aired on Sept 13th, 2007
e-mail support http://www.cknw.com/station/contacts.cfm?csi=1073&si=10

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