Thursday, December 20, 2007
David Cameron Britons opposition leader in Parliament is slammed in this article. Accused of stereotyping Singhs. I did a Web search and sure enough all the photos I looked at nary a Turban on these Singhs. Makes you wonder why there is such an outrage by some and if its a cash cow for those who raise such a hue and cry.
Click Here.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Keeping "em in the Punjab
Comparing History
As I have written previously an Irish filmmaker was waiting in the courtyard for the then President of India "Indira Gandhi" her Turban Sikh bodyguards murdered her on the spot. Lately there has been article after article on the Web from Sikhs on the anniversary . Here is one that might be more balanced. It also throws some light on the god aspect and highlights the inter mixing of religious thought. Though the Sikhs would have us believe they are a people unto themselves the evidence is clear. The root is Hindu and Muslim.
No Fuss
Once again we see no need for a Turban on a police officer. Sikh/Irish should take note. The problem may just be in outside agitators who push an agenda of religion intolerance on the Host country.
Click here.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Lets Review
So what is the Singh teaching from the Guru. 1499 AD
This is sung in the morning service
From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.Guru Nanak, Raag Aasaa Mehal1,Page473.
Another Guru Gobind Singh 1666 AD 1708 AD Discouraged the practice of female infanticide, which is enshrined in the Khalsa code of conduct . Male or Female are not to have social conduct, relations or marriage to those who kill their daughters.
Not to treat females as equals in life is strictly forbidden and to kill babe girls (infanticide) as well as grown daughters in honor murder is against the Guru teaching. Yet in India to have lavish weddings the children have been murdered and in the Western host countries grown daughters have been brutally stabbed to death by fathers or other family members. I have yet to read anywhere that the Sikh community is outraged by these forbidden practices.
Our modern Sikh has chosen to ignore the Gurus teaching and the laws of the Host countries while they try to persuade us that they are peaceful and law a bidding. Meanwhile they get outraged at the drop of a Turban and make outlandish claims in civil court with claims of bias. The joke of course is that many are in the host country illegally.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
An Garda Síochána
Click here.
Click here.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
By their god law and Karma (past lifetime deed) you may not hear any Sikh outrage over news such as this.
Click here.For news story and video
Elsewhere on the blog we can read of family killings of Sikh girls who want to live free from this very restrictive religion based on reincarnation.
A sign of the times we live in and an example given that Ireland should consider from the town of Herouxville, north-east of Montreal. Its council published the new rules on the town's website.
"We wish to inform these new arrivals that the way of life which they abandoned when they left their countries of origin cannot be recreated here," the declaration reads.
"We consider it completely outside norms to... kill women by stoning them in public, burning them alive, burning them with acid, circumcising them etc.
It points out that women are allowed to drive, vote, dance and own their own homes.
The rules ban Sikh children from carrying ceremonial daggers to school, even though the Supreme Court has ruled they can.
The man behind the declaration, councillor Andre Drouin, told the National Post newspaper the rules were not racist.
"We invite people from all nationalities, all languages, all sexual orientations, whatever, to come live with us, but we want them to know ahead of time how we live," he said.
Mr Drouin said there had been a number of recent incidents of culture clashes that meant the new rules were needed.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Fanatics ?
Click here.
Click four different locations
Monday, November 26, 2007
They Sikh him here and Sikh him there
Do Sikhs get outraged when a genuine Singh commits a crime in our worlds or is it just Karma ?
Click Sikh spokesperson had $270,000 crack habit
Click Sikhs one and all.
What Better Place "Gurdwara"
It is not a Church or Temple. It is a house where Sikhs get to explode and stab each other over doctrine such as whether they should sit on chairs or on the floor. Here are some links from different countries. The Kirpan (sword) comes in handy--another reason why we need to take them away.
Click Germany. About 100 Sikhs were engaged in a brawl with kirpans, hockey bats and iron rods at two community centers in Hamburg on Sunday. Reports tell of at least seven casualties, two of them heavily wounded.
Click New Jersey USA
Click Cleveland USA
Click Winnipeg Canada
Here is the HQ in Dublin.
This joint also servers as a school, a Click flop house and, a war room for challenging the Irish way of life. You will find duplicates in England,Britain,America,Canada, and other places.
Click India.
Now you will see nary a Turban on these players. You won't see a Sikh Iron Bracelet, known as a Kara. You won't see a Dagger/Sword known as Kirpan.You won't see the Long Beard or Uncut Hair known as Kesh. or any Kaccha . These are the commanded mandatory so called 5Ks or in Punjabi panj kakaar/kakke every baptized Sikh has to wear at all times 24/7 since 1969AD
This Sikh game is held in every country the Sikh occupies. In the photo opportunities you may see a handful of Bearded Turban fellows with one or two Kara on the right wrist. The crowd of spectators everywhere although Sikhs are virtually nude by these standards.
Click here:
Bear in mind that Sikhs in all civilized countries they have moved into demand and bring lawsuits against the host countries claiming religious bias.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Thursday, November 1, 2007
To Wear or not to Wear
A case of two heads. Now this Saint with the trust me grin (I'm a Sikh) and sporting the required Turban and a trimmed beard has received very bad press today. Deserve it or not we still need to be aware that the thing -a-ma -gig the Turban can cloud a mans gray matter. You can read more here.
The non Turbaned clean shaved fellow has a history of very good Press.
Dalip Singh Saund of California (1957-1963), was the first Asian American to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Congress.
What the heck is the Turban for anyway?
Here is a bit of the lore. In the occult of the Kundalli encouraged by the Sikhs there are 26 bones in the skull. The wrapping keeps these bones in place. The pressure also changes the pattern of the blood flow to the brain.. The top of the skull of course lies the crown Chakra. (Similar idea in Hinduism) Remember this is a root of Sikhism. This 10th Gate is again similar in Buddhism were the crown Chakra is known as the 1,000 pedal lotus. The idea then is to awaken the serpent that is the Kundalli which we are told is wrapped around the lower Chakra or the tail bone of the spine near the anus. Then through lifetimes of reincarnation one can attain god integration. This simply means to be dispersed throughout everything.
Now there are a number of ways that this reuniting with the force (god) can be delayed. The bigge is MAYA.
Yer men featured might be classified as such. This is called Karma. Then you have good/bad Karma which keeps you coming back life time after life time until you get it right.
So it's important to have the temples on either side of the head covered. (please don't laugh) so that you are protected from mental and psychic negativity from other people. This would included every non sikh in Ireland and the rest of the world. Makes you wonder why they want to live among us?
Now there are pressure points on the forehead and the tight cloth pressing on these we are are told will keep a Sikh calm and relaxed. In other words he won't use his dagger or sword in anger.
Depending on who the Sikh is. Mr Singh can control the Prana which is the life force flow or (Allah ) at will. (Muslim the other root of Sikhism) You can see why Sikhs are at odds with these other groups!
Easy to figure who would be a likely candidate for a Police Force anywhere. Thats Mr Clean no Turban Sikh.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Sikhism & Forced Marriage
This Sikh is on a special work permit for employment in America when he showed up with the weapon. Note: There was no mention of his religion before he left India. When the Company became aware of the weapon he was given the word, off you go back to India if you insist on coming to the job armed. While in the States he has rights that no native born would have.
It can only be a matter of time that total Sikhism is the rule of law. Turban,Kirpan, and eventually "Forced Marriage"
In the UK there is "The Karma Nirvana Refuge" see the video Once again we are faced with a clash of culture. Can we expect Sikhs to live by the teachings of the Guru Nanak. Then why are we in the West putting up with this attack on our own values and allowing this alien culture to dictate the way we should live?
Friday, October 26, 2007
Poster Boy
Daniel Sutherland, Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at the Department of Homeland Security accepted a thank you recently from SALDEF which is Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund. Mr Sutherland helped to create a poster for Sikhism based on Title 18 U.S.C. Section 930
(2) The term ''dangerous weapon'' means a weapon, device, instrument, material, or substance, animate or inanimate, that is used for, or is readily capable of, causing death or serious bodily injury, except that such term does not include a pocket knife with a blade of less than 2 1/2 inches in length.
This poster shows a display of Sikh weapons and basically sets aside this law and advises airport security to back off these warrior Saints. So now we may expect to see Turban covered Singhs with swords in flight.
More Sikhi news
Now all Sikh females are called Kaur and males Singh. Then Turban is mandatory or so they tell us. However we have seen many photos of both sexes without the head gear.
Here are a few pro and con. The point being these people are not consistence and will only pull the Turban out when it suits them to change our way of life.
This person is the daughter of India's Prime Minister. Interestingly she is with the famous ACLU that has won a number of court cases for the Sikhs in America. I guess the Punjab has no problems for her to solve.
This Singh featured in the article instead of being admired for his accomplishments is slammed.Read the comments by his fellow Saints. The original story had his photo without a Turban.
This Kaur with a Turban shows how it should be done. There again should we be fooled all of the time?
Thursday, October 25, 2007
New Delhi
No Turbans on these fellows. These Sikh police officers murdered some people. No Turbans allowed in jail in Indian. However Sikhs demand countries in the West must honor the rights of the Saints and claim it to be their religious freedom.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
In 2004 a law was passed banning the wearing of religious objects in schools, and you know straight away the Sikhs started to bitch. They put videos on the Web with threats of filing legal challenges with the European Court of Human Rights and also the United Nations Human Rights Committee, challenging the French law banning the Turban for identity photographs.
One Singh is a student who is staying out of school. The other is a Singh refugee that was allowed a 10-year temporary permit to enjoy French life. Well his stay expired two years back and since that time he has been driving around without a driver's licence. that would also mean no insurance coverage. Yes, he has been stopped twice and advised to take off the turban so he can obtain the proper ID. However, he will not obey French law and states " I would rather lose my head."
Both of these Singhs have the full backing of the "United Sikhs".
The lower courts have ruled against each of them. Next it will be heard in the upper court.
Then on to the human rights groups mentioned.
Sikh population 5,000-7,000
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Sikhs' mini-parliament in Denmark came to his legal assistance and the SGPC (the apex body of the worldwide Sikhs) appointed Ripudaman "Brand Ambassador of Sikhs".
New Zealand
Here we go again with the race card.
Check out the comments.
New Zealanders with common sense. It's refreshing: There are some of those Sikhs in South Auckland that prance around Otara markets with swords swinging from their hips. Usually this would be illegal but they wear red turbans to signify the blood of their enemies so I guess it is alright for them to carry blades.
Sikh population 9,507
Thursday, October 18, 2007
So the American Transportation Security Administration (TSA) caved in somewhat to Sikhism and watered down their initial stand on head gear ie Turbans going through the check points at the airports. Sikhs views this as a victory. Now when it comes to the Kirpan (Sword/Dagger/Knife) which we know Singhs have to wear these at all times. This will most likely be a small hurdle for the Coalition and their supporters to kick over. I read on another blog that quite soon there will be over 60,000 Sikhs gathering in Yuba California. Arriving from Canada and other places. How is the customs anywhere going to search this army?
When planes or boats arrive in Ireland with these weapon bearing militants are we geared to strip the Kirpans from them. Here is the stance in the USA. Basically out of sight out of mind. Canada might have the same policy?
We do know that Sikhs come and go to Ireland from the UK and no doubt from the Punjab.
Are the weapons confiscated at the port of entry? If not are these warriors allowed to freely walk our streets armed. Then will our Government take action and prevent this violation of our law. Think about this. In England there are 300,000 Sikhs . Should any decide to arrive by Ferry Boat are they allow on boarding to strap the Kirpan on. When does the Boat cross into Irish waters. Are they obliged to remove the Kirpan. Whose responsibliity is it to make that happen?
A senior police officer says he fears for his son's safety because of the problem of knife-carrying in Scotland.( Audio News).
Nth Ireland Tough measures to reduce knife crime, under a proposed new law.
Criminal Justice Minister Paul Goggins said the powers "cover any implement that has a blade or point or that may be deemed as an offensive weapon". He said public protection was the government's top priority.
Also items such as Samurai swords , added to the list of offensive weapons. The legislative proposals being announced on Thursday would mean a maximum four-year sentence for the following offences:
Having a knife in a public place or on school premises;
- Possession of an offensive weapon;
- Selling a knife to a person under the age of 18;
- Manufacture or sale of certain knives (flick or gravity knives);
- Unlawful marketing and publications connected with the marketing of knives;
- Manufacture or sale of a flick knife or gravity knife;
- Sale or possession of a crossbow to someone under the age of 18.
Ciaran Cuffee, TD for lumping us in as British and supporting Sikhism in Ireland and sending this English PARLIAMENT LAW STATUTE FOR US TO ABIDE UNDER
In the United Kingdom it is legal under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (section 139) and Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (section 3 and 4) for a Sikh to carry a kirpan with a blade for religious reasons (other reasons allowed by the Act are cultural or work related reasons). The Criminal Justice Act 1988 safeguards the rights of the Sikhs to carry the Kirpan as it is deemed a necessary part of their religion. You might be interested in more information about Sikhs in Ireland on
Sikh population: 336,179
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
To Serve and Protect
What I find more than interesting about this case. The famous Sikh Coalition and other Sikhism supports not anywhere in sight. Had this been in the West we could expect outrage and campaigns for better Jail conditions. As we have seen in a previous post the Punjab does not allow Turbans as head gear for convicts. Strange don't you think. Yet in the West this same policy will get them riled up. Then why not enforce the culture norms the Sikhs tout as their way of life . Rather than give in to their every whim?
Then we read about Gurjant Singh, the cop who set himself and four members of his family on fire on September 29. I have noticed that these Saints like to fire up for attention grabbing headlines.
Sikhs in the Garda I don't think so!
Sikh population 11,000,000 minus a few.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Each and every one armed with Kirpan (sword) in violation of Irish Law.
Provided the article is correct these 50 Saints criminals are still in Ireland armed
However the population Of Sikhs is around 1,200 How many are adults is anyones guess. Sikh children are instructed by the elders to have a blade on their person. Some countries have been brow beaten and are allowing school children to have knives in the classroom.
18.—Section 4 of the Vagrancy Act, 1824 (as extended to Ireland by section 15 of the Prevention of Crimes Act, 1871), is hereby amended by the deletion of "or being armed with any gun, pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon," and "and every such gun, pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon, or other offensive weapon,". Under the Offensive Weapons Act Part 111 9. Possession of Knives There is no lawful reason for a Sikh whether he/she is native to Ireland, a naturalized citizen,a ECC member, a visitor,tourist, a member of the London Sikh MET Police force and a foreign Sikh agitator to be in Ireland wearing or bearing arms such as the Kirpan (knife) The common excuse of Sikhism is that this is required by their religion and that this blade is never to be used by them unless they have a need. In other postings on this blog I have given references of the senseless violence Kirpan wielding Sikh Saints in The Army of god will take advantage of this right in Western countries. So join with me and call on the Irish Government to protect us from Sikhism.
Brian Lenihan Law
Brendan Smith law
Tom Kit dept of Defence
Wille O Dea Defence
Dr Jimmy Devins Law
Seán Power Law
Conor Lenihan Law
Commissioner of An Garda Siochana
Green Party law Spokesperson who supports Sikhism in Ireland
and quoted British Law instead of the above Irish Law.
In the United Kingdom it is legal under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (section 139) and Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (section 3 and 4) for a Sikh to carry a kirpan with a blade for religious reasons (other reasons allowed by the Act are cultural or work related reasons). The Criminal Justice Act 1988 safeguards the rights of the Sikhs to carry the Kirpan as it is deemed a necessary part of their religion. You might be interested in more information about Sikhs in Ireland on
Sikh population: 1,200
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Difficult Questions
In the United Kingdom it is legal under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (section 139) and Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (section 3 and 4) for a Sikh to carry a kirpan with a blade for religious reasons (other reasons allowed by the Act are cultural or work related reasons). The Criminal Justice Act 1988 safeguards the rights of the Sikhs to carry the Kirpan as it is deemed a necessary part of their religion.
You might be interested in more information about Sikhs in Ireland on
Then I pointed out that I would like him to quote Irish law as we were not in the United Kingdom, and would he have regrets should a Citizen or a Sikh or Tourist be murdered with one of these weapons. Would he want that on his conscience. Needless to say I am still waiting to hear back.
Then I contacted An Garda Síochána research unit and never heard back.
Then I contacted the Office of the Attorney General. Who replied that they don't give legal advice
Then I contacted Dr.Daruis Whelan Irish Law. Never got a reply.
Makes me wonder if a citizen has to invoke the freedom of information act on everything that has a sticky answer to a very simple question?
Sikh population 1,200
Friday, October 12, 2007
Sikh Singhs (Saints) get hauled into court world wide and do jail time, but for what.
Not saying that Turbans won't come in handy from time to time. The idea is to lay a guilt trip on the host nation, and Sue for cash. I mean freedom or whatever.
Sikh sues in US jail turban row Click link (1)
Seven escape in turban jailbreak Click link (2)
Satnam Singh's first name means truth, but the theme of his criminal history is quite the opposite.
An illegal immigrant, he was accused in 2003 of using another man's name to buy an $80,000 townhouse in Port St. Lucie in 2000. He also acted as an agent from an organization called the Catholic Helping Hands Trust, which was not in fact affiliated with the Catholic Church and whose trustee was a tattoo artist from Rosslyn, Va.
When Stuart police stopped Singh in 2001, he carried a black shaving bag with 100 pieces of identification that were not his own, including birth certificates, death certificates, passports, driver licenses, military IDs and one ID belonging to a congressional staffer.
Satnam Singh had been visiting a Stuart nightclub called Silhouettes, drinking and spending heavily.
Click link (3)
Click link (4) Jail Capers
Click link (5) How are Turbans handled in Punjab jails? Why are we stupid in the west.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Going back to the well
Todays paper Click here.
Until you run out of Turbans to to carry it away.
£350,000 Year 2002
£151,688 Year 2000
£100,000 for "a serious loss of reputation for someone with standing in the community"
Monday, October 8, 2007
Now how do the laid back, got-it-made-in-the-shade Western Sikhs view these Christians? Here is an example:
(1) Throw these so called missionaries out of the Punjab.
(2) Why are these people even allowed into the state or India in the first place?
(3) These devious people make me sick.
(4) Guru Gobind Singh Ji said try to resolve matter amicable if all doors are closed than picking sword is your right.
(5) Who else wants some? I'm sharpening my Kirpan.(Sword)
(6) Why isn't our government banning these idiots from entering our country, where is our President, where is our Prime Minister for God's sakes? Our religions need to be protected from these evil foreigners and their evil, devilish and scheming teachings.
While these laid back Sikhs stuff themselves here in the West the folks back in the Punjab are rotting away.
Thats how much they care for there own kit and kin. They would rather stop the evil foreigners from doing what their founder Guru Nanak instructed. "Remember God, Work Hard and Help Others."
Yes the bullying sikhs (read their comments--YOU WILL BE SHOCKED AT THEIR INTOLERANCE!) that we are now faced to confront ever day over their beliefs--who like to hold us up for ridicule and bitch that we are intolerant, racist, and hurry to bring human rights lawsuits in our courts--would sling us out of the Punjab or have their government prevent us from assisting those in need, and run us through with a sword. Makes you wonder that the joke is on us?
Sikh population 11,000,000
Sunday, October 7, 2007
One of his teachings goes like this:
"From woman, man is born; within woman, man is conceived. To woman he is engaged and married. Woman becomes his friend. Through woman, the future generations come. When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound. So why call her bad? From her, kings are born. From woman, woman is born, without woman, there would be no one at all. "
What would the founder of Sikhism say today should he read an article in the Irish Independent by Jeremy Page Monday July 30,2007,which points out once again the double speak of the Sikh community in the West. On one side of their mouth they tell us they never harm women or children.Then we read articles giving us the facts such as the "LEADERS of Delhi's Sikh community have called for an end to lavish weddings The result being daughters are seen as a financial burden and many Indians kill newborn girls and abort female babies" He also had a Rodney King-esque teaching of "Why can't we all just get along?" As you can see he was quite a dreamer.
Why so: The three religions in the region have fought with each other since. Sikhs are quick to point out the Muslims are the bad Turban people. Yet they align themselves with these bad people when its convenient as we see in case after case in America and Canada. Sikh on Sikh violence:
Punjab Online discussion forum: Turban Issue
Burn Baby Burn. Cricket player Yuvraj Singh got in big big dangerous trouble for taking the option of making some money by removing the Turban and letting his hair down for a Whiskey Advertisement. His Ma in India was ill and when our hero went to visit the Sikh mob was there. So as they were outraged and for lack of something better to do with their time they burned Yuvraj in effigy outside the sick mothers home. What could Mr Y.Singh do to please his cult. Obey the order of the head man and give up this earthly pursuit,repent and behave.
Sikh population 19,215,730
Saturday, September 29, 2007
OMISSION--Is that a LIE?
They are telling the Garda that Ireland is 40 years behind the times, simply because every country allows the wearing of Turbans in their Armed service as well as the Police units. Then they roll out a list, country-by-country, with photos of Turban wearing people.
Guess what?--Not true!
Vancouver, Canada: Motor Cycle cops are required to wear a Helmet. Sikhs bitch about this order. They keep the Turban in the closet.
Professor Marci A. Hamilton writes in her Book God vs.The Gavel ...
"The American military will court-martial the person that won't wear the required Helmet. They have the rule of law to back them. The US. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit--1980."
That law has been in place at least 27--thats Twenty Seven--years! How backward is that in today's world of conflict?
Even Britain is keeping up with today's trend by not allowing a separate Sikh regiment but requiring any Sikh to mix in with the rest of the Army. It might be interesting to see how others in the same unit would react when a Turban gives away their position during combat. What then will the Turban wearer do? Bitch on deaf ears.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Radio Stations Set to Shut Down?
Here we go again.Another attack on free speech in Canada. More outrage from Sikhism.
2010 Winter Olympics' creative team member Bruce Allen is up to his ass in outrage from Sikhs for some remarks on a radio station.
"If you choose to come to a place like Canada, then shut up and fit in," Mr. Allen declared, adding that demands from special-interest groups are easy to solve.
"There is the door. If you don't like the rules, hit it. We don't need you here. You have another place to go. It's called home. See ya."
In one of his regular commentaries on radio station CKNW, Mr. Allen charged last week that Canada is being pilloried by "special-interest groups" who want special rules for themselves.
He mentioned "turban-wearing Mounties," those who complain about having to wear motorcycle helmets over their turbans.
Want to support Mr. Allen's freedom of speech? Reality Check - Immigration Originally aired on Sept 13th, 2007
e-mail support
Last Straw Ching, Ching.
So this here Sikh arrives in America. Gets a Job selling door to door. What happens when the homeowner comes out. Remember Mr. Singh is now on private property without invitation.
Peels of laughter from the house. Mr. Singh feels (not stupid) debased,defiled,Bla,Bla,Bla. Crestfallen this lion goes into the spiel on the way of Sikhism,and Turban lore. Turns out the head gear is a great selling aid. Mr. Singh shoots to the top sales position in the company and makes a fortune. Despite all the disparaging remarks Mr. Singh managed to suck it up and stayed in the United States.
Al Rantel, conservative radio talk host in Los Angeles, discussing airport security, stated that if his own 80-year-old mother had to take off her shoes during a security screening, "then why shouldn't a Sikh be required to take off the hat that looks like a diaper they wear on their heads?" heard Mr.Singh.
Now it would take quite a stretch of the imagination for a moment that this "door-to-door guy" had never been asked that during his long career. So Mr. Singh has launched a campaign against the station and Mr. Rantel.
Mr.Singh sees no levity in Mr. Rantel's "diaper" comment.Wonder what it would take to make Mr. Singh laugh again a lottery win or a huge lump cash pay out from the radio guy?
As usual Sikhs everywhere have railed against free speech. Want to give some support for freedom from free speech suppression? Al Rantel's Web site,
Monday, September 24, 2007
Herr Sikh Legion der Waffen-SS
Das Sikh Badge. And Proudly We Serve, as long as we can wear the Turban mein Herr.Rommel.
Back stabber shooting a British Tommy at Dunkirk.
Yeah you can always count on the Sikh to step up to the plate. So said a London Bobby.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
And the sikhs rejoice.
I spoke with an Irish documentary filmmaker in Dublin some time back. He was in the courtyard ready to conduct an interview with the Indian Prime Minister Indira Ghandi. Suddenly he heard heavy rapid gunfire. Yep her trustworthy bodyguards "Sikh Army of God " had gunned her down. Sikhs everywhere took to joyfully dancing in the Streets.1980 Sikh Kuldip Singh Samra in a Toronto Court shot two--killing one and paralyzing another.
The question: Did he bring the gun hidden in his Turban or Hair?
1985 Air India Flight 182 from Montreal to New Delhi, with a planned stopover in London, went down off the coast of Ireland on June 23, 1985, killing all 329 people on board.
On the same day, an attempt to sabotage another Air India flight at Narita Airport Tokyo failed when a bomb exploded prematurely, killing two baggage handlers.
Sikhs peaceful they tell us.
1986 Sikhs attempt to murder in Canada a minister visiting from the Punjab.
1988 Vancouver a moderate journalist shot by a Sikh gunman.
1989 The same journalist murdered.
1993 Another murder--this time Editor of a Sikh newspaper.
A reporter for the Vancouver Sun was forced to relocate because of death threats and shots fired at the residence.
A Sikh murdered nine people at a wedding in Vernon, the main victim being his estranged wife.
2000 Honor killing. Tortured, Throat slit
2007 Three Sikh priests arrested for child sexual assault over a five year time span.
On a Sikh discussion board one Sikh Baba who slams the Irish over the Garda common sense rule on Turbans writes that I am missing the Nectar of spiritual wisdom. I would advise anyone not to drink in this Hemlock thinking you will get close to their god. You might get one HELL of a surprise!
Sikh population in Canada 278,415.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Quote (Who said)
This photo is representative of the type of violent protests conducted by this self-proclaimed "Army of God"--similar to the one referred to in the quote (above). Contrary to the peaceful image they try to portray, it is quite common for Sikhs to brandish the kirpan (sword) and, in fact, use it. In the meantime US Congresspeople who should know better have backed the Sikhs against the Transportation Security Administration conducting Turban searches at airports.
Sikhs are insisting that everyone else have no say in their right to carry a Kirpan in public places.
New York v. Pratap Singh: this court gave in to this knife wielder.
Another case in Providence Rode Island had the same outcome.
Then we have the Sikh who refuses to remove his hat in a court of law in the Host country. Link
Will County Illinois: Chief Judge backs down allows Turbans although no hats for anyone else.
It's mind boggling when you see how America is being taken over by this group. America has a Constitution that states "separation of church and state" yet this religion is slowly dismantling its core values.
Sikh population in America 500,000
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Horse Shit
Even though the command from the 10th Guru "That every Sikh must have a horse" This is the only piece of meat the 10,000 Sikhs got a bit off.
Twelve countries were scrutinized. How to Propagate their concept of God. How to conquer the law in the Host country.
I've noticed key words to used for media attention. Debased,Defiled,Demeaning,Humiliating. These words you can read in the World Press. The end result equals a cash payout, and a good chance that local law is replaced by Sikh religious rule.
Sikh population in the UK 336,179
The writing is on the wall. For at least 1.3 million resident Britons, Australia is the leading destination for UK expats. And many of those who go say they won't be coming back..
So that would leave England with religious fractions warring each other for control over the country and whose flag will fly over the Houses of Parliament.
A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police Sikh Association points out "We accept that Sikhs are responsible for many girls disappearing without trace".
Honor Killing
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Sikhs take it all off when swimming,at Cricket.Make up your own rules Eh!
The 10th Guru laid it out (or didn't he) The must haves are. The 5k's. Here are some. Sword, uncut hair, The Turban added later? and a Horse. Do you see any Sikhs swimming with a Turban on? How about the horse. Are Sikhs in New York, London, Canada, Dublin, and elsewhere riding around on a horse with swords.
So much for wearing a Turban on the job. It's just a lot of nonsense. (some however cash in)
Others Click Here.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Warrior Saints. (Says who?)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Who done it? Blow the whistle!
Is this one of those cold case files at the Sikh division at the London Metropolitan Police?
You know the ones. They like to get on TV and vent. It makes them feel great to be outraged. Methinks it should
be the Tax Payer who has to shell out all the Cash.
Would you get an award for solving Who did it? Click £185,000 Humiliating
£350,000 Who said " you would need a Turban to carry all that" Strange I don't see one in the photo!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Bow Jangles
So what country do you reside in? Are there safety laws you have to abide by for your employees?
Sorry whatever you had before is now rubbish.
Cause Sikh Religious law has taken over.
Either way get your check book ready.
Go Figure
The sikhs call their hair (beards, head hair, and other) "KESH"
American hygiene and Sikh hygiene rules clash with the Sikhs getting the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ payout.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in the year 2001 had filed at least six cases on behalf of Sikhs. Twice in 2000, Sikhs in America have won the right to work with their beard and hair intact.
Now it might have taken a little time for the payoff. The trouble for the rest of America, however, is that once you get a backlog of wins in the courts, it's a slippery slope for the rest of the population.
Here is how it pans out: Domino's pizza company--the second largest in the U.S.A.--lost its rights to choose not to hire those whom they view as problem employees. You see, Domino's believes that public perception as it relates to hygiene is important for their business. They lost their case in a court of law. This precedent means that ALL fast food companies must bow to the ruling and, if they DON'T hire sikhs who apply, they will surely be vulnerable to lawsuits. And furthermore, customers who make the choice to walk away from a server whom they consider to be non-hygienic, should look over their shoulders, lest they too will face a lawsuit claiming their choice was a racial slur against an individual, a culture--a religion!
In Durham, North Carolina, Mr. Singh netted $23,000 in a couple of weeks of bitching about his
religious discrimination feelings.
Then Mr. Singh, it's reported, got a bigger payout--NOW GET THIS--from the temporary job agency that got him a job.
His lawyer would not disclose the amount but it is reported to be much larger than the settlement from the company.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Not a crime!
Sikhs say this sword is required to have on their person at all times.
They tell us it's a religious object. That it is a ceremonial item and should never be used unless
to defend their faith.
So we have people walking around armed. Is this weapon visible when a Sikh is coming your way? It can be carried under clothing, hidden from view, or on the outside on the belt. As long as it's on their person.
Here is the law quoted to me by one of our own politicians who, by the way, backs the Sikh singhs against the Gardai.
"In the United Kingdom it is legal under the Criminal Justice Act 1988 (section 139) and Offensive Weapons Act 1996 (section 3 and 4) for a Sikh to carry a kirpan with a blade for religious reasons (other reasons allowed by the Act are cultural or work related reasons). The Criminal Justice Act 1988 safeguards the rights of the Sikhs to carry the Kirpan as it is deemed a necessary part of their religion."
What struck me was the fact that here is an Irish Government elected official e-mailing out British law when I asked for an IRISH LAW REFERENCE! This individual is the Green Party Spokesperson for Justice, Equality & Law Reform.
So I contacted the Garda Research Unit
Stay Tuned to this Blog. When I get the Irish law facts then they will be posted here for all to see.
Sharp Dressers
So you've got these individuals who think they are pure and saintly and close to god, due to their ritualistic dress. In other words (self) righteous. AND...they carry sharp daggers around with them.
So, do you suppose they walk peacefully through life, gracing the world with their presence, holy men among us...or do you suppose this belief system could QUITE OFTEN be a formula for violence? See for yourself in the following links. You tube Festival Stabbing Sikh Violence
Turban Durrrrrban
It's just a lot of hot air. There is no Sikh uniform code on Turbans.
As you can see, the various badges on the headgear displayed show that some do; some don't. So why are the faces blocked out?
This is not a blog to ridicule individuals, per se.
Turban Facts
The deep blue turban is the one worn making the statement "This one is a warrior". The white turban is the person's projection of "Aura".
The question pops up: Why are there lawsuits?
Well, on some jobs Sikhs refuse to display the logo required by the employer. Is it a case off EGO?
Irish-American Kevin Harrington was big news due to the uniform code at his work. Get this line, quoted in the "Irish Echo" by Yogi Bhajan, a spiritual leader of Sikhs in the Western Hemisphere. He told Harrington that Sikhs have a history of not bowing down to oppression and Harrington's Irish and Sikh background makes for a "formidable combination."
What "humiliated and degraded" yer man Kevin was that he was required to display the logo of the transit authority while on the job. In photos it looks like he has ear muffs on the sacred turban. Sikh--what does it mean? "Warrior in God's Army." Where and When was the marketing phrase coined, and who coined it?
On 30 March 1699 two (2) fellows baptized each other at Anandpur Sahib in India . One with the title Gobin Singh (sounds very much like branding a product for consumer sale). Then to spread the Singh slogan, (similar to Pyramid sales) Gobin added Khalsa (meaning pure) and each initiate underwent a ceremony called "amnrit sancar" and, once in the club, each Singh was given the 5K's and were told that they are now in the Khalsa "Akal Purakh De Fauj" - the Army of God.
These self-proclaimed Saints, although born in a host country, see nationality as secondary. This was explained on the RTE Prime TV show 22 August 2007 by a Chief Super Inspector from the London MET. "I am a Sikh first and a policeman second."
These Saint/Warriors have a mandate which is: He does not recognize anyone else except One Lord.
How many times can a citizen of a country, knowing full well what laws and cultural standards they live under--(whether born in that country or moved to that country to pursue a better life under a freer society)--continue to make a mockery of their liberal civil rights by demanding money in exchange for so-called prejudice and racism? You be the judge.
Double Lawsuit
There are turbaned air force men in India and Singapore. But do they fly combat planes with turbans on? The answer is no. They wear small cloth headcovers like patka (the way Monty Panesar wears it while playing cricket for England).
A mascot for the Gardai, DAFFY SINGH
Thursday, September 6, 2007
The 5k's
When you have a people of a different culture using their religion against the people of the country that was kind enough to let them take up residency it's called "CIVIL RIGHTS."
It's an easy money generating machine when you have some ancient items that you know before you arrive will prevent you from fitting into the social norms.
Here they are.
# (1) Turban
# (2) Kirpan (knife/sword)
# (3) Bracelet
# (4) Strange Clothing
# (5) Combs to remove lice.
# (6) Hair
Take a surf on the net maybe under Sikh legal action.
Now from time to time I began to notice a rise in Sikh headline news. Small pockets of complaints against the countries called the Host.
Ireland is one. A new kid on the block for mass immigration.
On August 22nd, 2007 a broadcast debate on RTE NEWS made me sit up and take notice.
Turbans in our police force. This stunt to challenge the Government is the start of the tactic on the road to a nation's Supreme Court. Not only does it erode the spirit of the law, it also changes the meaning of the law to favor the Sikh only. The purpose is to trample on the people in the host country by suing for the coin of the realm. Unfortunately with years of practice across the free world the international Sikh coalition bully the host into submission.
I will share web articles as we progress with information you may find valuable, should you be singled out for intimidation and robbery. Are they parasites on the host? Well, you decide before your "Civil Rights" are stolen and your thoughts are not open for debate.
Here you can find a press statement from the Garda Commissioner:
Press Statement - Garda Uniform